The Mission Church
Our parish inherits its catholic way of life from the nineteenth-century Tractarian movement, which sparked a renewal of Catholic thought, worship and identity in the English Church.
The Mission Church of St. John Baptist was established on Paradise Row in the 1880s, for the working class people of Saint John. During the city’s urban renewal project of the 1960s and 70s, the church and the community it served were displaced. The congregation was eventually joined with St. Clement's Church and became the Parish of Millidgeville.
The mission was established in response to the need of the city and in an effort to bring Catholic thought, liturgy and identity to our diocese. Today our parish seeks to re-engage with its original mission, to be broken for the sake of this world after the example of Christ, who offers himself for this world and for this city at the Altar and upon the Cross.
On the Feast of St. John Baptist, A.D. 2021, the Rev’d. Jeremy Boehr was inducted as our incumbent Priest.
Banner Image: Mission Church on Paradise Row. Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (Ref. No. P210-2822)
Bottom: The Portland Valley before Urban Renewal. Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (Ref. No. P744-405)